Movement Disorders and Intractable Epilepsy Surgery

Epilepsy is an incurable disease that occurs as a result of a disorder in the nervous system, and this disorder occurs for all ages and all races.

The same thing happens to people who suffer from movement disorders, and there are many diseases that fall under the name of movement disorders such as Parkinson’s disease, Essential Tremors, and Dystonia

What are the causes that may lead to epilepsy?

Doctors did not know the cause of epilepsy in some cases, but they were able to know the causes that lead to epilepsy in other cases. These reasons are:

    • It can happen due to neurodevelopmental disorders such as people with autism.
    • A genetic mutation that may lead to epilepsy.
    • It also may occur through the transmission of a certain infection.
    • Some cases of severe head injuries may lead to epilepsy.

What are the methods used by doctors to treat epilepsy?

The doctor prescribes anti-convulsant drugs to the patient, as these drugs control the electrical signals in the brain, which leads to a reduction in convulsions or their non-occurrence, as the effect differs from one case to another, but there are no drugs that work to treat epilepsy and make it disappear forever.

How dangerous is epilepsy for a pregnant woman?

  • It is possible that it does not represent a danger to the pregnant woman, but in the case of follow-up with a specialized doctor in order to determine the appropriate dose of anticonvulsant drugs, so the specialist doctor follows the following:
  • The doctor selects an appropriate anti-convulsant medication for your condition.
  • It also determines the appropriate dose that doesn’t cause any harm to the child.
  • In the event that you take multiple medications, the specialist doctor will limit these medications and choose medications that don’t affect the child.

Can Epilepsy Be Treated Surgically?

In cases of failure of medical control of epilepsy, Neurosurgeon can reach out to one of the available surgical options, the surgical decision differs from one case to the other:

  • Surgical excision of epileptogenic focus
  • Temporal lobectomy and amygdallohypocampectomy
  • Vagal Nerve Stimulation

What are the ways to treat movement disorders?

Movement disorders are usually represented in Parkinson’s disease, Essential Tremors and Dystonia.. Doctors usually resort to two methods of treating movement disorders, which are:

  • There are medications that somewhat control motor disorders, but there are some cases that aren’t affected by these medications, so the specialist doctor resorts to treatment in another way, which is surgical intervention.
  • Deep Brain Stimulation

Stereotactic radio-frequency ablation of deep nuclei